Old LPG tank makes for a pretty robust grill.
We had this old grill that was all in tatters, quite literally. And for whatever reason noone, except for me, wanted to replace it and just kept adding on more scrap metal to keep it together. I thought enough is enough and I'm not cooking anything on that pile of scrap anymore and started making a new grill. For my grill I took one of my brother's LPG tanks that he had cleaned and modded to be used as a compressor tank. But that was 4 years ago and not much has happened, besides the rust on the tank because it basically sat forgotten outside the whole time. So I've decided to yoink the tank and turn it into a grill. LPG tanks in particular have an expiry date, after which they need to be re-inspected but the inspection usually costs almost the same as a new tank so people choose just buy a new tank instead. This means that there's a surplus of old LPG tanks. But the amount isn't huge as the inspection period is 10 years. Since these tanks...