Homemade heated glass bed for my 3D printer.
A couple months ago I finished my third homemade 3D printer. The objective was to make it as cheap as possible by avoiding all unnecessary expenses. In the end the printer came out well under 100€, with almost enough to spare for a 1kg spool of PLA. One of the cost cuts was to omit a heated bed and instead use a piece of regular window glass as the bed surface. With the help of a heatgun the temperature of the bed could be brought up before a print and most of the time that would be enough to keep the part stuck to the bed. The problem with heating the bed this way is that it's hard to keep the heat uniform and all the hot air coming from the heatgun also interferes with the hotend and causes instability so it was not ideal. Nevertheless I continued printing this way because it already worked well enough for the small prints I was making. Not long after completing the printer I overheated the piece of glass and caused i...