How to make Printed Ciruit Boards at home using toner transfer.
I've been making printed circuit boards at home for more than 10 years now and I've come a long way since the early days. Now I've reached the point where I can get reliable traces down to 0.2mm and perhaps even smaller but I haven't had the need for traces smaller than 0.2mm. And I've decided to share my knowledge with the world because I think this should help people get right into toner transfer with minimal fuss. So here it goes. First you need a laser printer, because they print with toner and without toner there would be no toner transfer. For my toner transfer I use an old Samsung SCX-4216F printer that I found at the dumpster. It has a copier at the top and that's a very bad thing if you have younger siblings because they will stick anything they can find in there to make a copy. My younger brothers did this and in the process managed to damage the drum on the toner cartridge and it's very important to have it intact, because as it rolls ov...