Procrastination, more than ever before! [a little update :) ]

This will be a little update on what I've been up to and what will be in the future. I've been putting this off for a while but whatever I'll do it now.
Basically I've been either too busy or too lazy to make a post. Being in a university is pretty cool but it sucks alot of time out and I study far away from home where my workshop is, so it makes it harder to work on projects.
So, first some updates...
The watercooled laptop might make a return but I'm not sure. I've already tested the MK2 waterblock and the results were interesting if a little underwhelming at the same time. Going by memory, the GPU temp dropped by about 15C, while CPU temp only dropped by 5C. The reason why the CPU temp didn't drop as much as the GPU was because my waterblock wasn't perfectly flat. It was actually pretty cool holding the coolant resrvoir and feeling it heat up. But to push the project further forward I would need to make a MK3 waterblock and making those is very tedious, which why i'm not sure whether I'll be continuing on with this project.

Next on the list is one of my oldest mentioned "up next" projects, which is the power steering pump to rotary vane vacuum pump conversion. I still have the pump and am still plannning to convert it to a vacuum pump as I am really eager to play around with some high vacuum.

I had another big project this summer, which was my homemade inverter MIG welder. It blew up more often than it welded but at least it welded once and I think that's pretty cool for a scrap built welder. I've already bought a proper MIG welder, though.

But so far the biggest project I think is my new lab, which has temporarily completely halted due to quarantine regarding the corona thing happening right now. But it's close to being finished and as soon as the hardware store opens I'll barging in with my money and a list of square metal tubing to buy!
I honestly can't wait for the new lab to be finished, because it means that I can get back to making new projects. It's not to say that I haven't been making projects all this time, in fact I have been more than ever, it's just that I've been too lazy to make a post for each and every one of them. :)

So......that's my excuse for not keeping up with my blog, more projects up to come as soon as new lab gets finished.


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